
Legal Writing for Legal Reading!

Yessource: Yes live in Rome 5/11/71

Here are my latest uploads to YesSource, my Yes rarities youtube page (about which you can read here).  This post is another addition to my series of Yes music posts.  I started this series here and a collection of all my Yes-related posts is here.  Yes, of course, is a, if not the, premier progressive rock band, and I am an enormous fan of it.

You can see all of my Yessource uploads here.

My latest YesSource uploads can be found here:

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2 thoughts on “Yessource: Yes live in Rome 5/11/71

  1. Pingback: Yessource Youtube Channel Roundup | judicialsupport

  2. Pingback: Yessource: A Collection of Live Shows | judicialsupport

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