
Legal Writing for Legal Reading!

YesSource: Live in Burgettstown, 7/24/91

Here are my latest uploads to YesSource, my Yes rarities youtube page (about which you can read here).  This post is another addition to my series of Yes music posts and a collection of all my Yes-related posts is here.  Yes, of course, is a, if not the, premier progressive rock band, and I am an enormous fan of it.

You can see all of my Yessource uploads here.

My latest YesSource uploads can be found here:

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2 thoughts on “YesSource: Live in Burgettstown, 7/24/91

  1. Pingback: Yessource: A Collection of Live Shows | judicialsupport

  2. Pingback: Yessource Youtube Channel Roundup | judicialsupport

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