
Legal Writing for Legal Reading!


Check out Faye Cohen’s post to her blog Toughlawyerlady!


Another Presidential race year is upon us. Not only is it upon us, but it seems like news about the aspiring Presidential candidates is being ingrained in our pores. If the strategy of politicians and the media is to annoy us, exhaust us, shock us, and nearly destroy our faith in the democratic process, they have accomplished these things this year.

I will not discuss individual Presidential candidates or their views, or my candidate preferences, but I want to discuss the state of our local, state and federal government agenciesfrom the perspective of our attorneys, who deal with these agencies on a regular basis.  Due to our interaction with these agencies I fear for the state of our government. I was going to title this blog “We Need a Revolution”, but I thought the CIA might visit me if I did. But clearly, some action has to be taken to…

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